The early human migrations begun approximately 2 million years ago, with the first expansions of hominins out of Africa. Migration historically has been from east to west. In the 1600s, thousands of European immigrants traveled to the eastern sea, including Spanish in Flordia, the British in Massachusetts, the Dutch in New York, and the Swedes in Delaware. Some came for religious freedom, others for economic opportunities, and there were those Africans who came enslaved against their will.
When I migrated, it was for education. I came to the United States to go to college. Like most high school grads, I did not think about family, kids, or anything beyond my four years in college. I wasn’t even 100% sure I was going to stay in the united states. I had family who lived in the states for many years who we would regularly visit, so I was under the impression that there would not be a big adjustment. Oh, was I wrong!
Now, not everyone has a choice in the decision to leave their home country, like me. Maybe it was your parents, a loved one, or just the circumstances. Whatever the case, the migration was for the opportunity for a better life.
Now that we are here and creating a life for our family. It is no longer just about us; we are directly responsible for other people. Us as fathers/ dads need to guide and provide for our families to live a prosperous and fruitful life.
Our children will have very different experiences and opportunities from a cultural standpoint. This differnce is not a bad thing, especially if we have a network that can help with information and decisions. As I say this, I think that I worry about the difference in school systems. In Jamaica, most, if not all, public high schools are examination entry schools, and it does not matter where you live. However, in the United States, public schools are designated based on your address. Meaning our current home which is suitable for young professionals, due to it’s proxmity to public transport, restaurants, and the city does not relate to an excellent public school system. This is an issue when raising kids.
As the first-gen dad, I will have to deal with this, especially when all the areas with an excellent public school system have the most expensive homes if you are lucky enough to have a partner who has the knowledge and expertise of the system, salute! But if not, then you are in a problematic situation.
The school system is one example of the challenges we first-gen dads will face. However, with the help of others, we too will succeed and achieve the goal of why our parents migrated, for a better life.